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First Nations Acknowledgement
We acknowledge that the land within the jurisdiction of the Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority is the traditional territory of First Nations people who have longstanding relationships to the land, water and region of southwestern Ontario. We also acknowledge the local lower Thames River watershed communities of this area which include Chippewas of the Thames First Nation, Oneida Nation of the Thames, Munsee Delaware Nation, Delaware Nation, and Caldwell Nation. We value the significant historical and contemporary contributions of local and regional First Nations and all of the Original peoples of Turtle Island (North America). We are thankful for the opportunity to live, learn and share with mutual respect and appreciation.
The Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority (LTVCA)
The LTVCA is one of the 36 Conservation Authorities in Ontario. It has jurisdiction over watersheds of all streams draining into the Thames River from Delaware to Lake St. Clair. The Southern boundary includes the watersheds of streams draining into Lake Erie, from the Talbot Creek watershed in the east, to the Two Creeks watershed in the west. Total area 3,275 square kilometres (1,264 square miles) and is home to 99,401 people. There are 10 member municipalities.